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What do tubular breasts look like?

You might not be familiar with the term ‘tubular breasts,’ but that doesn’t mean it’s a rare condition.  Many women (and sometimes men too) have tubular breasts that are not to their liking, and choose to have tubular breast correction surgery as a result.  This is often due to embarrassment, or lack of knowledge, about what can be done to resolve the issue.  The more educated we are about this condition, the more comfortable people will feel coming forward to address it.

So what do tubular breasts look like?  And how do you recognise whether you have the condition?  Let’s find out a bit more about the condition and what you can do about it. Before we address the question ‘What do tubular breasts look like?’, it’s important to understand what the causes might be.

Research has concluded that this condition (also known as hypoplasia), first presents during puberty.  Between the ages of 10 -15 years the breasts begin to develop.  This results in a change in size and shape of the breasts, and they don’t necessarily change and grow at the same rate. Differences in growth at this stage are not unusual, but some changes can be signs of abnormal development. If the breast size and shape do not even out after puberty, this could be a sign that you have tubular breasts.

There are other visible signs that indicate you may be dealing with this issue, so what do tuberous breasts look like, and how can you tell if you have them?

Typically the breasts will appear asymmetrical; one may be larger or different in shape from the other.  They may appear cylindrical or pointed, often resulting in a saggy appearance. The nipple area may seem collapsed or larger and puffy. Another indicator when you’re asking ‘what does a tubular breast look like?’ is that there is a gap of more than 1.5 inches between the breasts.

How common is it?

It’s quite difficult to assess how common tubular breasts are, as many women choose not to seek treatment.  Because it doesn’t carry any health complications, women may choose to live with the asymmetry and try to disguise it with clothing.  Some feel embarrassed about the differences between their breasts, and this prevents them from seeking help and advice.  Many women are simply unaware that the condition exists and that it can be treated successfully.  There is no evidence that it is genetic either, but simply an abnormality that occurs during puberty.

Can I deal with it naturally?

How to Fix Tubular Breasts

Although you can’t permanently alter the appearance of tubular breasts naturally, there are things you can do to disguise the problem area. Embarking on some simple chest strengthening exercises is a good place to start. By strengthening the chest muscles and opening up the chest area, you will find that your breasts are better supported from the inside, and this can help to create a fuller, more even appearance on the outside. Consider your choice of underwear carefully too. Wearing a push-up bra with padding can help to even out different sized breasts. You can also try some padding on the side that is less full. There are so many options available these days, so try a few things to see what works best.

Of course, not everyone is concerned enough to feel the need to alter their appearance in this way, but it’s good to know that there are options. It’s important to note that these are not permanent solutions, but they will help to draw attention away from that area should you so wish. You could also do a bit of research around the subject of ‘what does tubular breast deformity look like?’ This will help you to determine whether or not this is the issue you are dealing with.

What about surgery?

For some women (and men), coping with the reality of having tubular breasts can begin to have an impact on their mental health. If this starts to affect your day-to-day life and your self-esteem, you may wish to consider more permanent, surgical solutions. It is vital that you are certain that you have passed the stage where your breasts are still growing, and a quick chat with an expert in the field of breast surgery will help determine that.

If you are considering breast surgery as a solution you must consider finances, recovery period and potential complications. Here at Enhance Medical Group, we will insist upon meeting with you and examining you before we suggest the best course of action. Every person is different and therefore every type of surgery will need to be carefully tailored to your personal circumstances. You also need to have realistic expectations of what can be achieved with surgery, which your dedicated surgeon will discuss with you. Only then can you really make an informed decision.

What does surgery involve?

Surgery to correct tubular breasts involves fitting a tissue expander into the smaller breast, in order to even out the size differences. Once this has done its job, then implants can be fitted to lift and fill the breast area. They might be different sizes in order to fix the asymmetry, but the results can be fantastic. If there are issues relating to the nipple area, this can also be corrected.

What are the differences you can expect to see?

What does a tubular breast look like post surgery? Again, everyone is different, so results will vary. However, you can expect to have much more symmetrical breasts that are equal in size and fullness, as well as appearing more pert overall. Here at Enhance Medical Group, we have clinics throughout the UK, and we only work with the best surgeons and support teams. We will be happy to meet with you to discuss your requirements, and we will also be able to put you in touch with patients who have undergone this type of procedure themselves.

Surgery is not for everyone, but it does give you a solution to the issues related to tuberous breasts. You will find that our former clients will always be more than happy to talk to you about their positive experiences too, so that’s a good place to start.

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