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Can you Breastfeed with Implants?

Can you Breastfeed with Implants?

Breast augmentation is becoming increasingly popular amongst new mums. The idea of being able to regain their pre-pregnancy figure is more appealing than ever. In these days, where our lives are documented by photos and accounts of even the most mundane activities, we want to look as good as possible, as often as possible. And why not?

Breastfeeding can be a sensitive issue for some, and breast enhancement procedures also divide opinion. Put the two together and you’re faced with a very interesting, and possibly contentious, topic of discussion. Breast implants and breastfeeding – do they go together? In fact, can you breastfeed with implants? Is it possible? Before you consider going ahead with a breast enhancement procedure you will want to find out as much as possible about the procedure itself and the after-effects you are faced with. If you have recently given birth and you’re considering breast augmentation you will have even more questions. The internet is awash with conflicting views and opinions. This often makes it difficult to really get helpful, factual information. We hope to give you some clear, easy to understand advice here, based on facts rather than opinions. It is always advisable to speak to an expert in these matters and the team of professionals at Enhance Medical Group are patient and understanding. They will have all the answers to your questions and will guide you towards the best option for your personal circumstances.

So, can breast implants and breast-feeding work together successfully? The short answer is, ‘Yes,’ although it does depend on the size and placement of the implant itself, and what type of surgery you undergo. Some elements of the procedure have been known to affect a mother’s, milk supply if the nerves and tissue become damaged, for example. Scarring of the milk ducts can also have an impact, as can having a lower level of glandular tissue to begin with.

The position of the incision during the procedure can affect the milk supply. For example, if the incision is made around the nipple there can be a higher chance of nerve damage. This can affect the flow of milk and ultimately make breastfeeding more difficult. Placing the incision under the breast or in the armpit makes it less likely for milk production to be affected. The glandular issue and nerves in this area are also left intact, meaning that breast feeding is not compromised.

Can You Breastfeed with Implants Under the Muscle?

So where is the best place to put breast implants? Can you breast feed with implants under the muscle? During most procedures, placing the implant under the muscle (and behind the milk glands) is the preferred choice. This should not affect either milk production, milk supply or the ability to breastfeed successfully, as the glandular tissue (which produces the milk) rests above the layer of muscle. When you have your consultation at Enhance Medical Group you will have the opportunity to discuss all of this with their team of professionals. Your personal situation and any plans for future children will all be taken into account, and you will be advised accordingly.

Can you Breastfeed with Implants Over the Muscle?

What about the alternative? Can you breastfeed with implants over the muscle? This is slightly more tricky. Due to the fact that the chest muscle sits behind the milk producing tissue there is a higher chance that breastfeeding, following an over the muscle procedure, may put more pressure on the ducts and glands. This can then interfere with milk flow and milk production (similar to an engorged breast). Your surgeon will be able to explain all the potential outcomes during your consultation. So, the answer to the question, ‘Can you breastfeed with implants?’ is, ‘Yes…however…’

When you have decided to undergo breast augmentation you will have spent a lot of time considering the resulting size of your breasts. It is possible that larger implants may exert more pressure on the milk producing tissue. Coincidently, larger natural breasts can also be associated with some difficulty in breast feeding. This can also be the case for women with tubular breasts, asymmetrical breasts and widely spaced breasts. It can also be an issue for women who have less glandular tissue to start with. In this case too, milk production can be significantly reduced, making breast feeding more difficult. These things are important to consider before you make any final decisions about the type of surgery you opt for.

There’s no ideal time of life to have breast implants, but if you want to know the best time for you as an individual then speaking to one of the team at Enhance Medical Group is a good place to start. Some women prefer to wait until after nursing their children, others want to get on with it sooner. There are ways to accommodate everyone’s preferences, so don’t think you’ve left it too late or even that you’re approaching it too soon.

Breast Implants and Breastfeeding Conclusion

Breastfeeding after having implants placed is perfectly safe. The only thing to consider is, ‘Which is the option that will allow you to breastfeed successfully?’ Although breastfeeding may result in your breasts changing size and shape, your implants will not be affected in any way. Your breasts may look and feel different following breastfeeding, but the implants do not change. For this reason, you may choose to have further procedures in this area at a later date. This might be when you have no plans for more children, for example, and this is a perfectly safe and acceptable option too. The important things to take into account are that you are content with your shape, whether it be before, during or after pregnancy and breastfeeding; furthermore, that should you choose to breastfeed then you are confident that you can do so safely and successfully. Afterall, happy mummy means happy baby.

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