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Uneven Breasts

What Causes Uneven Breasts and How Can You Fix Them?

There’s a well-known saying in the world of cosmetic surgery, “breasts are sisters, not twins”. And it’s true. Breasts have their own shape, texture and characteristics, and even two breasts on the same body can vary quite considerably. If you have uneven boobs or one breast that’s bigger than the other, know that you are very much the norm. It’s actually more unusual to have two breasts that are exactly the same.

While most people have breast asymmetry to some extent, the variation between the breasts can range from being very subtle to much more noticeable. Here we’ll look at some of the causes of asymmetrical breasts and discuss what you can do if your uneven breasts are affecting your confidence, happiness and wellbeing.

What is breast asymmetry?

Breast asymmetry occurs when there’s a difference between one breast and the other. People usually associate asymmetry with a difference in the size of the breasts, but there can also be a difference in shape, position, volume and even nipple size and colour.

It’s very common for one side of the body to be a little different to the other. Anecdotally, some cosmetic surgeons suggest that up to 90% of women have breast asymmetry. That varies from minor differences – where women don’t even notice it – to instances where the cup size can vary by three sizes from one breast to the other.

Why are my breasts uneven?

As we’ve discussed, it’s completely normal to have uneven breasts. Genetics, hormonal changes, fluctuating body weight, age and certain medical conditions can all cause uneven boobs.

Breast asymmetry can start during puberty for some people or occur when the breasts become larger during pregnancy. Breast asymmetry can also result from the menopause, when breasts may grow but not necessarily at the same rate.

While breast asymmetry can have an emotional and psychological impact, it’s not usually a concern from a medical standpoint. However, if your breasts become uneven suddenly and for no apparent reason and you experience discomfort, this could be a preliminary symptom of breast cancer. If you notice any sudden changes in the shape, size or density of one or both breasts, talk to your doctor.

An old wives’ tale you might have heard is that sleeping on your side can cause uneven breasts. However, there is no evidence to support this. The only time when you should avoid sleeping on your side for the sake of your boobs is immediately after breast augmentation surgery.

What causes uneven breasts?

If you have one breast bigger than the other or a different form of breast asymmetry, you might be wondering why. It could be something you are born with (such as genetics) or a condition you acquire in later life (the result of pregnancy, for example). Here are some of the most common causes.

Normal growth variations

If you look closely at most of your body parts, you’ll find that they aren’t fully symmetrical. For example, your eyebrows, legs, ears and feet aren’t usually symmetrical due to completely normal anatomic variations. The same can be said for your breasts.

Breastfeeding and pregnancy

The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy are a common cause of uneven boobs. You might find that one grows bigger than the other or there are changes in shape that are not mirrored. For many women, this asymmetry is temporary and your boobs will return to normal once you’ve stopped lactation and your hormones have settled.

Hormonal changes

Pregnancy is not the only hormonal change that can cause breast asymmetry. During puberty, it’s quite common for one breast to grow before the other. The breast tissue also changes throughout your menstrual cycle, with one study finding that the breasts are least symmetrical on the first day of ovulation. The menopause and hormonal birth control can also lead to asymmetry.


The abnormal curvature of the spine, a condition known as scoliosis, can widen one side of the rib cage and create uneven breasts. There can also be a tilt to one side of the body, which causes one breast to be lower than the other. Scoliosis is usually recognised in childhood or adolescence.

Deformities in the chest wall

Structural issues in the chest wall can affect the size, shape and projection of the breast. Poland syndrome, which can cause underdevelopment of breast tissue, and funnel chest, a depression in the breast bone, are two conditions that can cause asymmetry.

Juvenile hypertrophy

This rare disorder causes one breast to grow significantly larger than the other. The condition commonly starts during puberty, with extreme breast growth lasting for around six months, before slowing to a longer period of continuous but slower growth.

What can you do about uneven breasts?

If you have uneven boobs or one breast is bigger than the other, it’s not necessarily something you need to do anything about. However, if you’re not happy with the difference in your breasts, you do have options.

Use clothing

Some women choose to use clothing, such as custom-made bras and padding, to create a more balanced look. The first step is to visit a professional bra fitter, who will be able to help you find a bra that fits both sides of your chest. You can choose a bra that fits your bigger cup size and use preformed padded cups to hide the asymmetry.

Get support

As we’ve said, uneven breasts are very normal and it’s not a case that this is something you need to fix. However, if it’s affecting your emotional wellbeing and self-esteem, you may consider meeting with a counsellor or mental health professional or joining an online support group for those with body image and breast size issues. Talking to others who are experiencing the same issues can be beneficial.

Consider breast asymmetry surgery

Depending on the type of asymmetry you have, uneven breasts can be corrected by breast augmentation, breast reduction or a breast lift. In some cases, a combination of two of these procedures may be the most effective way to produce a balanced result. Breast symmetry surgery can improve your self-image, boost your confidence and give you a sense of normality you may not have had before.

Explore your options with Enhance Medical Group

If you want to even out the symmetry of your breasts, you have several surgical options. You may choose to have a breast implant or breast reduction on one side, enlarge both breasts but do so evenly, tighten the skin so the breasts hang evenly or elevate a nipple if one is higher.

Discover our breast surgery options, find out more about breast asymmetry surgery and get in touch to arrange a free consultation. We’ll discuss your options with you and advise you on the most appropriate route to take.

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