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Saggy Breasts

Dispelling Myths About How To Fix Saggy Breasts

Saggy breasts are a natural, completely normal part of life, but for all sorts of reasons, they’re something many women want to ‘fix’. These days, the first thing most people do is hop online and do a quick search, for example – ‘how to fix saggy breasts’. The trouble is that not everything you read online is true. 

With that in mind, we’re here to dispel some of the myths you might read about sagging boobs. This fact-based resource will help you understand the causes of saggy breasts and explain what you can do to change the appearance of sagging boobs if you want to. 

What causes saggy breasts? 

Breasts are mostly made up of fat cells, glandular tissue and ligaments. Breast sagging, known medically as breast ptosis, is caused when Cooper’s ligaments, the tough and flexible connective tissue that shapes and supports the breasts, lose their elasticity. That compromises the structure of the breast and causes it to sag.  

Although it’s completely natural, breast sagging can be a source of anxiety for some women. That’s why breast lifts are one of the most popular procedures performed by plastic surgeons.

The most common cause of sagging boobs is simply the passage of time. As we age, our ligaments and skin lose their elasticity, which causes the breasts to sag. However, several other factors also contribute to sagging.

  • Large breasts – heavier breasts are more likely to sag over time due to the stretching of the ligaments and connective tissue.
  • Pregnancy – the ligaments stretch as the breasts get heavier, contributing to dropping. 
  • Smoking – the skin loses its strength and elasticity, which increases the risk of sagging.
  • A lack of support – Exercising without supportive clothing can stretch and break down the connective tissue, particularly if you have heavy breasts.
  • Sunlight and UV – Overexposure to sunlight breaks down collagen and elastin in the skin, which can lead to sagging. 
  • Weight gain – Those who are overweight tend to have larger breasts, which stretches the skin and connective tissue.
  • Weight loss – on the flip side, if you have gone through a big weight loss you may notice that your breasts sag because you’ll have lost fat tissue from the breasts. 
  • Menopause – hormonal changes during the menopause can affect skin elasticity and contribute to breast sagging.
  • Genetics – the natural variation in skin elasticity and collagen levels can also affect the rate and degree of sagging.

Saggy breasts after breastfeeding

The idea that breastfeeding causes sagging boobs is one of the most widely circulated myths. Some women even choose not to breastfeed their babies for this reason. Yet a study conducted by UK plastic surgeons found no link between breastfeeding and sagging. 

Pregnancy causes the breasts to become larger and heavier, which stretches the Cooper’s ligaments and can cause sagging and dropping. However, whether a mother decides to breastfeed does not have an impact on sagging.  

Saggy breasts after weight loss

Unfortunately, this one is less of a myth. You might assume that losing weight would leave you with perkier boobs, but in reality, the opposite is often true. 

As you gain weight, the fatty tissue in the breast expands, making the breast larger and heavier, which puts more strain on the ligaments and connective tissue. When you lose weight, that extra fatty tissue shrinks away, but the connective tissue and ligaments have now become stretched and cannot retighten. The effect is a reduction in the volume of the breast and an inelastic pocket of surface skin which causes the sagging.  

Can you fix saggy breasts naturally? 

The idea that you can fix saggy breasts naturally, through exercise, a healthy diet or some other technique, is sadly false. However, that doesn’t stop a whole industry from capitalising on people’s insecurities by selling lotions, creams, exercise routines and even special bras that can supposedly fix sagging. 

The only proven way to fix saggy breasts is with a common procedure, such as a breast lift or breast augmentation. In a breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, surgeons remove extra tissue and skin to raise and reshape the breast and increase the amount of support it has. The result is a firmer, shapelier breast. 

Breast augmentation can also reduce the appearance of mild sagging. Breast implants help to fill loose breast skin and create a more lifted appearance. However, for more pronounced sagging, a breast lift is the best option. 

When it comes to the natural ways to reduce the effect of sagging boobs, you should focus on prevention rather than a cure. Exercise, a good diet and even the right clothing can all help to prevent sagging. 

Can you fix saggy breasts with exercise?

You can’t fix saggy breasts with exercise but there are certain exercises you can do to strengthen and improve the overall appearance of your chest. For example, pushups, swimming and bench pressing can all strengthen the muscle and fibrous connective tissue beneath the breasts.

Can your diet help saggy breasts?

Once your breasts have started to sag, a healthy diet will not tighten those ligaments or connective tissue. However, maintaining a good diet will help you maintain an optimal body weight, which can prevent sagging caused by weight fluctuations. A healthy diet will also feed and nourish the skin, keeping it strong, healthy and resilient for longer. 

Can your clothes help saggy breasts? 

Wearing clothing that provides plenty of support for the breasts, particularly if you have heavier boobs or do high-impact exercise such as jogging, can help to prevent sagging. A good quality, properly fitted bra reduces the stress and strain on the ligaments. You should get refitted regularly as the shape and size of your breasts can change over time, particularly if you gain or lose weight.     

How to fix saggy breasts: Should I get a boob job?

It’s completely normal to experience sagging boobs and there are all sorts of factors that can contribute to it, from genetics to age and lifestyle. Once the breasts have started sagging, there are no natural remedies to reverse it. However, if you are experiencing pain, low confidence or anxiety caused by saggy breasts, surgery is an option. 

If you feel like breast surgery could improve your quality of life or are curious about the procedure, please get in touch with the Enhance Medical Group to arrange a free consultation.

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